DepEd Order Rationalization of Teachers’ Workload in Public Schools and Payment of Teaching Overload | DO S 2024 005

DepEd Order Rationalization of Teachers’ Workload in Public Schools and Payment of Teaching Overload | DO S 2024 005

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed policy guidelines on the Rationalization of Teachers' Workload in Public Schools and Payment of Teaching Overload, pursuant to Republic Act (RA) No. 4670 dated June 18, 1966, or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, and the Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 080096 dated January, 28, 2008.

This DepEd Order is guided by agency directions that are geared toward building a conducive enviroment for effective teaching and learning to thrive.

  a. Teachers shall render eight hours of service per day, of which six hours shall be devoted to actual classroom teaching.

  b. The remaining two hours shall be allotted for work incidental to the normal teaching duties which may be spent within or outside the school premises.

  c. Other teaching-related work, such as but not limited to being a school coordinator, shall be duly compensated in accordance with Section 14 of RA 4670.

  d. In exigency of service, actual classroom teaching in excess of the required six hours shall be compensated through payment of teaching overload, provided that it does not exceed two hours per day.

The mechanisms, procedures, and standards stipulated herein shall guide all DepEd offices and schools, including the heads of offices, school heads, and teachers on the rationalization of teachers' workload in public schools, along with providing appropriate compensation and benefits to teachers who exceed prescribed workload or working hours. 

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