C&E Day 2 Live Session | Topics and Meeting Links | April 25 with 5 CPD Units

C&E Day 2 Live Session | Topics and Meeting Links | April 25 with 5 CPD Units

In this post, you will find the Complete List of Topics/Talks and the Link/s for each Session for the Day 2 Session of the 5-Day Free Webinar - Training on C&E ALS DigiEx 2023: A Week-Long Event Showcasing Latest Trends in Educational Solutions with 5 CPD Units.

APRIL 25, 2023

Day 2 Morning Session

Time: 9:00 am to 10:15 am
Topic: PITSCO (Basic Education)
​Pitsco Education provides educational solutions with age-appropriate K-12 learning in STEM, math, science, and is composed of standards-based, relevant hands-on activities delivered via a student-centered learning process.

Title: Bringing hands-on STEM learning to life.
Session Description: Learn how to transform your classroom or makerspace with future-ready STEM learning. Explore age-appropriate K-12 learning solutions for STEM and standards-based, relevant hands-on activities delivered via a student-centered learning process.

Speaker: Mr. Alan Kirby - Curriculum Consultant at Pitsco Education
​Webinar ID: 891 9964 2634
Passcode: CEALS
Session 1 Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89199642634?pwd=VlNqamZKN2RWT2lTelpoSEdlOExjQT09

Time: 10:30 am to 11:45 am
Topic: Revisely (Basic and Higher Education)

​Revisely is a web-based productivity tool that teachers use to grade students’ work. It supports teachers during setting, correcting, marking, grading, and giving assignment feedback.

Session Title: Grading smarter with efficient feedback tools

Session Description: Discover how to give more insightful feedback on students’ work in less time. This session will discuss the benefits of using digital tools for grading and how these tools can streamline the grading process and ultimately improve student outcomes.

Speaker: Jeroen Fransen, Mphil, Msc - Founder/CEO & Advisor to the board, Revisely & Dutch Edtech Netherlands

​Webinar ID: 891 9964 2634
Passcode: CEALS
Session 2 Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89199642634?pwd=VlNqamZKN2RWT2lTelpoSEdlOExjQT09


​Afternoon Session
Time: 1:00 pm to 2:15 pm

Topic: MasterSoft

MasterSoft Education ERP Software is a cloud-based software for schools, colleges, and universities that automates all major processes of an Educational institute. The Education ERP campus system ensures management of all academic & non-academic operations and ensuring transparency across all departments.

Session Title: Accelerating education with one ERP Solution

Session Description: Discover and learn how to transform your campus with a cloud-based ERP solution that focuses on improving outcomes and driving progress to your institution. This session will discuss the different configurable solutions, featured modules and how these different systems can be integrated into one solution to cater the needs of your institution.

​Speaker: Ms. Janki Somani - Head of Global Relations, MasterSoft Solutions

Webinar ID: 891 9964 2634
Passcode: CEALS
Session 3 Link:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89199642634?pwd=VlNqamZKN2RWT2lTelpoSEdlOExjQT09


Time: 2:30 pm to 3:45 pm
Topic: MODI by Luxrobo (Basic Education)

MODI is a modular robotics kit equipped enough to empower teachers and students to shape their makerspace and STEAM journey starting from the very beginning stage in a fun and easy way.

Session Title: Starting the STEAM journey with modular robotics

Session Description: Empower students to shape their makerspace and STEAM journey. Gain insight on how modular robotics can be used to introduce students to STEAM concepts in a fun and engaging way. Presenters will share insights, tips, and best practices for using modular robotics to kickstart STEAM learning.

Alex Ahn - Global Sales Manager l Global Sales Team
Eugene Koo - Global Sales Team Manager

Webinar ID: 891 9964 2634
Passcode: CEALS
Session 4 Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89199642634?pwd=VlNqamZKN2RWT2lTelpoSEdlOExjQT09


Time: 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm

Topic: Praxilabs (Basic and Higher Education)

PraxiLabs is a 3D virtual laboratory simulation learning platform providing educational institutions with cost-effective, innovative, and immersive simulations for their science laboratory needs. It provides students with access to Biology, Chemistry, and Physics laboratories.

Session Title: Simulating science experiments for an engaging STEM experience

​Session Description: Explore cost-effective, innovative, and immersive simulations for your science laboratory needs. This session will introduce a 3D virtual laboratory that provides students access to a range of Biology, Chemistry and Physics experiments.

Speaker: Dr. Khadija ElBedweihy - Founder and CEO of PraxiLabs

Webinar ID: 891 9964 2634
Passcode: CEALS
Session 5 Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89199642634?pwd=VlNqamZKN2RWT2lTelpoSEdlOExjQT09


Time: 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm

Topic: Perlego (Higher Education)

Perlego is an online digital library that delivers academic, professional and non-fiction eBooks. It is a subscription-based service that offers users unlimited access to more than 950,000 eBooks for the duration of the subscription. Perlego has been billed as “the Spotify for Textbooks” by the Evening Standard.

Session Title: Unclocking knowledge with online libraries

Session Description: Gain deeper insight into how digital libraries have become an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and anyone seeking to expand their knowledge. In today’s digital age, explore how online library platforms have opened up new learning opportunities. Furthermore, learn how these resources can be accessed and utilized to discover a wealth of knowledge available at your fingertips. Perlego has been billed as “the Spotify for Textbooks” by the Evening Standard.

Speaker: Mr. Ryan Borgesius - VP Sales

Meeting ID: 853 9239 2523
Passcode: CEALS
Join Zoom Meeting
Session 6 Link:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85392392523?pwd=QStlTmVIQm1aTFJrWi84WDdZeGxZQT09

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