Fourth Educ Forum Series | One-Day Free Webinar for Teachers by USAID and DepEd Bureau of Learning Delivery | November 11, 2021

Fourth Educ Forum Series | One-Day Free Webinar for Teachers by USAID and DepEd Bureau of Learning Delivery | November 11, 2021

Be informed! Happening today, November 11, 2021, is the fourth episode of the Educ Forum Series.

Meet our speakers for the fourth episode of the Educ Forum Series, which will tackle the fourth pillar of Sulong EduKalidad: Engagement of Stakeholders for Support and Collaboration.
Joining us for this episode are experts from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the DepEd Bureau of Learning Delivery.

Teachers from both public and private schools nationwide are highly encouraged to participate for greater awareness and public discussion on education issues.

Addressing the Challenge of Education Quality:
An Educ Forum Series
Engagement of Stakeholders
Episode 4: Opportunities and Challenges on the Reintroduction of Face-to-face Classes

Catch the livestream of the episode on the official Facebook page and YouTube channel of DepEd Philippines tomorrow, November 11, at 9 AM.

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