For Day 3 Session, all participants will be learning different EdTech Tools for Digital Storytelling. This is an exciting and very interesting topic for everyone.
So, to those teachers who are new to digital storytelling, this workshop is best for you and to those who are already into it then this training will serve as self-enrichment to your knowledge and skills.
Webinar Details:
This webinar workshop series aims to help teachers become better content creators and designers in the current educational landscape.
Teachers Can Create: Upskilling Teachers as Content Creators and Instructional Material Designers
Date and Time: September 18, 2021, 1:30PM - 3:30PM
Teachers Can Create: Upskilling Teachers as Content Creators and Instructional Material Designers
Date and Time: September 18, 2021, 1:30PM - 3:30PM
Digital Storytelling: A Great Tool in Teaching
Ms. Maleng Raysag (Apple Professional Learning Provider & Head, PMC Business
Systems, Inc.)
A digital story is a multimedia presentation combining a variety of digital elements within a narrative structure (a story). Media may include text, images, video, audio, social media elements (e.g. Tweets) and interactive elements (e.g. digital maps), courtesy of University of Wollongong Australia.
“…digital storytelling combines the best of two worlds: the "new world" of digitised video, photography and art, and the "old world" of telling stories.” --Dana Atchley, Digital Storytelling pioneer.
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NOTE: If you missed the Day 2 Session | September 11, you can still watch the replay of the session an answer the evaluation through this link:
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