LDM End-of-Course Evaluation for School Heads
This end-of-course evaluation seeks to capture your experiences as a School Head in implementing your school's chosen LDMs. Your participation in this 10-minute evaluation, while voluntary, will be invaluable in helping us improve your LDM experience and those who will undergo the course. Therefore, your honest and thoughtful response will be highly appreciated.This survey will not, in any way, affect your LDM course ratings. The information you will provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be used by DepEd-NEAP in enhancing the LDM Courses. The data shall be governed by Republic Act 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012.You may access the form below:
School Heads: https://bit.ly/EOCforSchoolHeads
School Heads: https://bit.ly/EOCforSchoolHeads