FREE 7-DAY Webinar: Art Hop 2021: Learn and Level Up by Lyceum Multimedia Arts Creative Society [REGISTER NOW]

FREE 7-DAY Webinar: Art Hop 2021: Learn and Level Up by Lyceum Multimedia Arts Creative Society [REGISTER NOW]

Good News! Free webinar for everyone! A 7-Day Free Webinar with the theme: Art Hop 2021: Learn and Level Up.

This Webinar is brought to you by Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna
College of Arts and Sciences in partnership with Lyceum Multimedia Arts Creative Society (LYMMACS).

LYMMACS gives you FREE professional insights from professional artists live this month of June

Here are the 7 sessions (topics  and speakers):

June 9, 2021
Dazombiegurlll:Artist Personality/Comic Strip
Speaker: Lenorie Quibael

June 12, 2021
Being aJack of Trades in Multimedia
Speaker: Jasmine Roranes
Speaker: Myren Pineda

June 16, 2021
What Makes Something Visually Appealing?
Speaker: Juan Cantalejo
Finding Yourself in the Industry of Multimedia
Speaker:Vlad Laquindanum

June 18, 2021
Beyond the Controller: A Discussion About Game Design and Development
Speaker: Aron Alcantara
Speaker:Michael Andal

June 19, 2021
Communicating through Graphic Design
Speaker: Lennon Zamora

June 23, 2021
How to Grow Faster as an Illustrator
Speaker: Eumar Lalap

June 25, 2021
How Important Audio in in Media Projects
Speaker: Neil Villanueva

Learning by Doing
Speaker: Keivin Sales

Register through this link: 7-DAY Art Hop 2021: Learn and Level Up


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