Updated Instructions: How to Claim Certificate of Recognition in the 5-DAY Webinar on Utilizing Office 365

Updated Instructions: How to Claim Certificate of Recognition in the 5-DAY Webinar on Utilizing Office 365

The Department of Education Information and Communications Technology Service-Educational Technology Unit (ICTS-EdTech) announces the updated instructions on how to claim or get the Certificate of Recognition in the 5-Day (5-Saturdays,  May 01, 08, 15, 22, and 29, 2021) free training for teachers and students on the use of  Microsoft Office 365 Tools.

Note:Participants with complete attendance (all five days Saturdays) shall receive Certificates of Recognition (National Certificates)



Here's the Updated Instructions on how to claim your Certificate of Recognition.

Step 1: Create your Wakelet accounts @ https://www.wakelet.com

Step 2. Create a new collection and rename it to  (Mi-TechtalkMay Portfolio)

Step 3. Save your selfies and so with screenshots of your  certificates

Step 4. Share the link of that collection later in our PDLMS for you to get your Certificate of Recognition

 For the Official Evaluation Link: https://bit.ly/Day2-EvalMi-TechTalk


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