In this post, we are going yo share with you the process on how to apply for Microsoft Education Ambassadors program and some important tips in order to pass the recruitment process.
Microsoft Education Ambassadors (MEA) Program
This program aims to create a sustainable community of passionate educators who are advocates of teaching with technology and empower thousands of teachers from public and private schools on the latest ICT tools in teaching.
The interested applicants will have to undergo the following process:
1. Attend the orientation program. But, since there is a pandemic, this year 2021 MEA recruitment will be done virtually. For DepEd Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel the orientation will be conducted on June 8 -11, 2021 via Microsoft Teams. Those in private institutions can also join the orientation.
It's a 3 hour program and the Orientation Registration Link is
You will be directed to the online registration (Microsoft Form) see image below.
Fill out the form and click submit. After submission, a popup message box (see below) will appear with these message "Thank you for your response!Watch out for the email confirmation in your inbox. See you there!"
The rest of the instructions will also be sent via an email, please always have time to check
your email. For the full details of the orientation please visit the link below.
Learn more about the 2021 Microsoft Education Ambassador Recruitment
Tips on how to pass the recruitment for MEA 2021?
1. You must have at least basic skills in Microsoft Office productivity tools.
2. Be sure that you already have an account in (educator center) and an active user which means you are actively participating or taking the free courses offered within the platform. So, create your account now and take free courses and earn badges (it is a big factor during the interview part).
3. You must have the passion in advocating the use of technology in the classroom which means you have been practicing it, using or integrating information technology in your classes especially Microsoft Office Apps (MS Excel,Word, PowerPoint), MS Teams and other EdTech Tools. You are also sharing your expertise with your colleagues like during SLAC sessions or as a speaker in a particular seminar or webinar on the use of technology in the classroom, this is a big factor to win the interview. Joining MEA-Tech Talks and online training by the DepEd EdTech Unit will also help. So, visit all the previous webinars or trainings via DepEd Professional Development Learning Management System or the get or claim your certificates (these will serve as a proof of your trainings).
4. Do not feel nervous during the interview. Just be calm and just share or tell your skills, your experiences on how technology has help you in delivering your classroom instructions and how you improved the skills of your learners when it comes to ICT.
5. The most important thing is that you pray that you will succeed and pass the recruitment.
So, to those who aim to become Microsoft Education Ambassador, just believe that you can do it!
We hope that you find this article helpful. Please let us know if you need our assistance. Follow our official FB page @freeeducationaltools for more DepEd news, free webinar and free EdTech Tools.