In this article, you will find a very useful app for Dyslexic students, it is called Omoguru.
Omoguru - There is an enjoyable way to read.
According to MayoClinic, Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words (decoding). Also called reading disability, dyslexia affects areas of the brain that process language.
Here are the 7 best features of Omoguru app:
1. Adjust The Text to Fit Any Reader Perfectly. Users can adjust the font properties so they can choose which one fits their reading style.
2. Keep Reading Rhythm. The app allows reader to mark the syllables makes it easier to detect them and helps keep reading rhythm.
3. Improve Reading Speed and Avoid Mental Rotation. The app has a built-in tool reader for users to read comfortably, with fewer mistakes and follows the text easier and improves their reading speed.
4. Read Line by Line. The app provides the Overlay tool. The overlay will show the one line you read.
5. From Print to Digital. The allows users to take a photo of any page of printed text and simply digitalize it. It is saved as a note.
6. Collect Notes From Books. Notes can be collected from digital materials.
7. Start Reading From Preloaded Libraries. The app provides a large selection of preloaded books and short stories for grades 3 – 8. So, readers can easily access it and can read it anytime, anywhere.
You can also add Omoguru in Google Chrome as an extension app. So this makes it easier for you to read the information in any web page or application to your personal reading style.
Just simply add to the browser for free.
Omoguru is available for Download for Free in IOS and Android.