Usec Sevilla's latest statement/comment on the 2019 Performance Based Bonus for Teachers.
DepEd Usec Analyn Sevilla, answered the queries of teachers regarding the 2019 Performance Based Bonus.
Usec Sevilla, posted her comments on her Official FB page. See below the message or statement.
According to Usec Sevilla,
"PBB is not budgeted in deped because you only get PBBonus when the AO25 task force has evaluated the agency eligible for PBB. There is no budget for PBB included in the budget of deped. It's not me or Deped who decides if we have PBB or not. Pls read the policy/guidelines on pbb to understand that it has a process and evaluation handled by a task force where deped is not a part of. When do I receive? Deped cannot answer that bec We are not evaluating pbb and there is no PBB funding in deped. Nasa dbm po Yun.Here's the full details:
Source:Official Facebook page of the Office of the DepEd USec for Finance(OUF).
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